The NCC can be pretty nasty when it comes to removing these kinds of things. It will leave homeless shelters with dirty needles intact out in the sticks but man, a little wooden house with a gnome in it, that's gotta go! Or a nice little house made outta rocks! OHHHH dangerous!!! All probably precipitated by some busybody with nothing better to do than to protect the earth from illegal gnome housing out in the woods.
Oh well.
Fine. It's gone now. When I find my geocaches being discovered by muggles (and this is the very worst kind of self-righteous muggle) I move them no questions asked. For two reasons. If muggle A found it, then so will muggle B and C. Muggle B will pee on it and muggle C will do the same and possibly try to set it on fire (if it's not soaked in too much pee) so it is far better to remove it and place it another day.
So good luck finding it now. Only geocachers should be able too when I re-plant it next month. I've made the geocache page inaccessible to muggles for the time being. If the offended party should stumble upon my blog (which means she's got nothing better to do than to snoop around looking for info on me), please drop me an email, perhaps you can learn to live and let live and take into account that not all people think like you (thank god), and that Police have better things to do than removing a guy in the forest made outta duct tape wearing a Halloween mask. (Not the NCC though. They live for this stuff).
When I got to work later I ran into a co-worker on the steps and he made the mistake of asking why I was late.
"Had to move a body." I said.
P.S. At Toys R Us for $8 bucks you can buy a Ken doll. Maybe the self-righteous muggle would traipse out there with the NCC or Police in tow. And presuming she could even find the thing again, she wouldn't find the body as it was in it's original state. She'd find a little 12 inch ken doll mocked up like the old body in it' s place. Complete with a little film cannister for a microcache. Call it the mini-body!
Explain that to the officers!
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