Friday, June 23, 2006

When he's 64 - Paul McCartney's Birthday

It was McCartney's birthday last Sunday(June 18th). "When I'm 64 is one of the 100 of my favorite beatles songs or so. I still remember the movie "World According to Garp" using it and liking it way back then. So, he's 64, now what? He was and still is my favorite Beatle, and I like his tunes a tad more than Lennon's.

Too bad about his recent divorce (Billionaires like you should have had a pre-nup Paulie)...

His left-handed sounding basslines are still cool and I think he, more so than any other musical influence made me pick up an acoustic guitar later on in life, after being an electric only kinda guy for so long(BlackBird anyone?).

I'd still like to see him live one day. Maybe he'll pencil the Bank in on one of his tours some time.

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